“Mr. Market the Great Deceiver

Markets are deceptive…but we all know that. Beyond deceptive, markets are actually down right diabolical. Mr. Market operates through his two most trustworthy lieutenants Mr. Bull and Mr. Bear. He has tasked Mr. Bull to climb and reach the top of the mountain using investors buying power to fuel the rise. But he has also instructed Mr. Bull to not allow those same investors to complete the journey themselves, he wants to reach the top without them. It’s a hard job to pull off and Mr Bull needs to use every trick in the book to throw off these investors after they use their money to power the trend upward. It’s a process that takes time and Mr. Bull’s prime tools are greed and fear in the minds of investors

Mr. Bear however, has been assigned a totally different mission. When it’s his turn he has been tasked to use those very same investors to power the trend to un-dreamed of lows. This is a mission even more difficult than Mr. Bull’s since to do this he must actually keep those investors in the market despite it falling over time, which is no easy task. This is because if these investors just gave up and left the market it would simply stop going down. His mission requires a particularly high level of deviance to pull off. It’s why Mr. Market retains a particularly fond place in his heart for Mr. Bear, since Mr. Market has a diabolical nature and like the Grand Inquisitor, he has no problem drawing blood.”


For Rambus Members

OK..One more snip

If one wants to get his head around the ultra long term trends in the gold market he should examine the history of the BGMI. It’s the only current index which has a long term duration. The BGMI gives us a view from horizon to horizon and unveils a most shocking possible outcome for the gold stocks and what they may be in for over the next 10 years.

Chart not posted due to the Family nature of this site…(Ie it is positively obscene for long suffering Goldophiles.)

Thanks Sir Plunger…I needed that