From Rambus

“In all my years of charting I have never seen so many big H&S patterns, both bottoms and tops, that are suggesting secular price action is in the cards for many years ahead. When we look at the US dollar, gold and the US stock markets, something big has been underway for awhile now which flies in the face of the fundamentals that so many investors try to understand as to how the markets work.

Regarding the US Markets , I am well aware that the markets never go straight up and a big correction is coming down the road which will make us question whether the bull market is still alive or died of natural causes. Ask yourself a simple and honest question: How have I perceived / traded this until now ? The greatest bull market of all time? Only you can answer that question for yourself.

My job, which I take very seriously, is to provide you with an unbiased view of the markets through the eyes of Chartology. There is no holy grail out there that is going to be 100% correct all the time. Understanding the big picture above everything else is the first step in understanding which direction to trade. Shorting in a bull market can be hazardous to your trading account as many are finding out, and trying to trade long in a bear market can be very difficult as well. There are traders that can do it, but for most of us mere mortals, if we can catch the biggest part of an intermediate impulse move, we’ll be successful in one of the hardest games to play on the planet. Have a great Labor Day…All the best…Rambus”

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