Yuan Oil hit the ground running and chaos soon followed. Actually chaos front-ran the Yuan Oil with Trump China tariffs. Don’t think markets have even begun to reach an equilibrium.

A few key highlights

Iran Nuclear agreement, Iran Sanctions, China Trade Tariffs, Turkey Sanctions, Russia Sanctions, Putin meeting, NATO talks, Saudi Arabia strong arm, FED rate hikes, Yuan devaluation, FAANG smackdown the list goes on.

Amazing how ISIS has completely vanished from MSM? The Bond market explain that to me please? And who is China buying Oil from with the Yuan?

It looks like a squeeze, a squeeze of global proportion. Yuan Oil futures are probably expected to be delivered. What commodities are going to be next for the Yuan trade if we get that far, futures that eventually get delivered? The Petro Dollar isn’t up against Libya, Iraq, Syria, or Iran when they got left out in the cold for selling Oil outside the $US. Those countries received full doses of good ol’ fashioned helpings of “Freedom” for their efforts. Is this it tariffs, China is going to roll over with tariffs? China must be expecting to protect the countries who agree to sell Oil in Yuan or why bother?

Like in any squeeze someone eventually pukes? Maybe we all Puke?