Just wanted to say on the board for all to see , you are a much appreciated poster.

From what I gather,

1….You , like most here , are a Goldbug
2….You , like most here see all the fundamental reasons Gold should be doing very well going forward
3….You , like most here are somewhat frustrated with our PM Juniors and Explorers.
4….You , like most here really understand the Macro and fundamentals
5….You , like most here appreciate 2 way conversations and charts to have the most balanced view of the present Gold market you can get.
6….You , unlike most here come without charts …..but you enthusiasm and honesty and passionate posts are really welcomed

I Gather you are in Europe ( Italy if I am right ) …please expand on your comment that the European Union may be in trouble AND The Euro using Countries’ dilemma if the Euro continues to strengthen .

Other Euro Zone residents please join in …whats it really like over there Economically and Politically

Do you like a stronger Euro ? Cheap Travel in US-Buckistan ?

Will the Euro survive…its still in its infancy !

PS : How abut you Brits ? Is the Divorce going amicably or will it get ugly ?