Gold ?…No…not at the moment ! Gold Sucks !

Base Metals is where the bull is !

We here collectively have the hots for hot rocks…..well hot rocks are not gold or silver at the moment

Lets face it…something is going on in REAL Metals…REAL Minerals… like Cobalt Zinc Lead Nickel Copper Lithium Scandium Palladium and on and on.

REAL Metals that actually are needed and used for something…unlike gold which for the most part just sits there looking pretty but pretty useless. Like Buffett likes to say…they dig it out of the ground and then bury it in a vault

SOMETHING BIG is going on here…this doesn’t look like no flash in the pan with these metals

STEEL and other Industrial Alloys are also rising,

Rambus Favorite Sector ..Basic Material Stocks are breaking out.

Looks to me like a full fledged economic boom is on the horizon…and all this stuff is key ….Probably a Chinese thing….A new Empire with 1.5 Billion members is going to be constructed ….that’s how it looks to me.

hot rocks >?

here’s one…and its Nickle

Here is what CAN happen…because it already did

The Story of Voisey’s Bay: The Discovery (1 of 3)

And here is what Is happening at “Nickel Mountain”

Could be the Real Deal

or not