OK…Highroller emailed me this image and asked me to post it…it wouldnt upload for him.

Here it is POMO (P for “Permanent” )

and here is Highrollers Comment..( and FWIW tonite…i tend to completely agree)

This means that the fed milks money into the banks to buy the top weighted stocks in the indices to keep the party going. No wonder the vix is so low, nobody else investing as much and not worried as they know the fed has their back. Don’t matter what the dollar or yen does, just noise. Gold will never win this battle and I guess it will have to be some outside force to make it rise greatly. Hard to sit on the portfolio and watch the slow decay, I am sure I am not alone. This thing will have to go into parabola to end, best plan forward is to jump into any other asset and not have the head buried in gold charts as we miss the moves elsewhere. Wake me up when gold 1400 and then play I guess. Gold fever can kill us. I respect Spock with his knowledge and help greatly but very hard to jump in on trades. If gold does spike way lower, going take some big balls to buy more this time.


Added…Ok I never heard of this $XII index…but Holey Molars…look at this !
