Gold now looking to $1280 (and beyond?)
Well Well it looks like Gold wants one last go at $1280, thanks to North Korea.
Do I trust it? No way. But I’ll play it as it tells me to. Solid close over 1280 and we could be looking at the glorious squeeze/breakout we’ve all been longing for. Otherwise, a less glorious drop to 1220? Let’s take it one step at a time.
As I type, the USDJPY is giving it all up like it’s prom night. So it looks like 1280 will indeed be tested. If the 110.00-110.70 chop this past week was just a half-way pattern instead of a bottoming pattern, a measured move would put us at ~106.70, plenty of power to push gold to 1280(perhaps beyond). Coincidentally there’s also some support at 106.70-ish. This could get interesting very soon.
Edit: updated chart with vertical channels – if we go to that bottom vertical rail on the USDJPY, things will get very pretty for gold, indeed.
thanks for that, NickG – saw the action in the gold price as I was out all day, and good to see your post. Will sleep well tonight!
Cheers Nick. I agree with everything you say here. Could get very interesting, very fast. I just wish it wasn’t something as dangerous as North Korea providing the push.
Are we sure it is NK providing the push or was this coming anyway?
Yep, I think you are on to something.
A quote from former US ambassdor to South Korea, James R. Lilley:
“At the end of the Cold War, if North Korea didn’t exist we would have to create it as an excuse to keep the Seventh Fleet in the region.” 😉
or in thermodynamical terms:
How to stabilize a sealed off system that is already on the verge of rupture, but can not be reinforced by internal means as these too are already stretched to their limits? If you have a pressure cooker that is about to blow up and you don’t have the means to stabilize the cooker itself from within, all what’s left is exerting external pressure to find a new equilibrium.
Happy about the pop, but not the reason.
This will soon die down…DPKR just released a Canadian Pastor held prisoner over 2 years