This is the best poll  yet (thanks Sir Fully) and I am very impressed with those that are all in and confident.

I am cautiously confident and in the for the long term, but think we may have to wait until 2018 for a big rise in the miners, although this autumn may be the start. The  posts by Sir’s Plunger and Rambus concern me, as they clearly know their way around the PM markets and they both see the potential for more downside in the miners, and I am following as much of their guidance on here and on the Rambus site (well worth the subscription by the way) as I can, which is working very well, apart from when I got thrown out of an Oil ETF by a stop, which was clearly manipulated, not just for my small investment, but no doubt to catch a group of us smaller traders out to someones benefit!

Lesson learned and I will not make that mistake again,  but I was about to travel and be out of action for a day, so put in a hard stop. I had heard this can happen, but now I have seen it. An 8% drop in the price for a few minutes to allow someone to pick up a nice trance of shares at a bargain price!!! Can you imagine the chaos these things will cause one day when the SM falls rapidly.

I am sure that there are some bargains in the juniors at the moment and I can see takeovers around the corner. 🙂