Plunger is now an Associate writer at Rambus Chartology. I have been shamelessly “promoting” this dynamic duo who can only been seen in full at https://rambus1.com/ .

Yes… I am very out of control exited by this turn of events.

Rambus invited Sir Plunger , (who btw is still a very active Airline Captain and who is writing these essays from all over the World probably even from his Cabin in the Sky while on break) , to fill in while he takes a well deserved Family Vacation. To say Plunger has filled in is an understatement. Anyhow he will now be posting less here at the tent. Those who have been following his recent Oil short and PM short trades as well as other trades will need to have a subscription to see all his work .

However here is his latest …in public format.

Plunger’s Big Trade Update & GDXJ update
