GDXJ Holdings
We all know the issue with GDXJ which apparently is going to sell off some 3 billion of its 5.5 billion in assets. This will have a impact on its largest holdings as shown below:
Equally there are some good juniors they do not hold like Atlantic, Marathon and Oceana so they may benefit. I hold quite a few of the miners shown below so we will see what happens. It is due to occur in June around the 16th!
All this stuff about GDXJ is just speculation on the part of some analysts from the Bank of Montreal. If GDXJ is flooded with incoming cash why would they need to dump positions? Doesn’t make sense. Would they need to initiate more positions in other junior miners? Yes. Would they need to stop purchasing shares in certain companies to avoid going over the 20% threshold? Yes. But why would they need to dump?
Is Oceana considered a junior?
Nope 🙂
Nope 🙂
Regarding JNUG here is what I have to say:
I am glad I am short