To quote Spock : ” Look at the forest not the grass”

Truely gold and general market have been in perma bull trend.

Pedro’s long term gold’s EW count going back 1800 to 2013 shows that gold has never violated the previous lows starting point of where the next impulse move began.
Higher high and higher lows- a true definition of a bull market.
Alf Field’s theory from 1970:

“The beauty of EW is that the corrections in gold are remarkably regular and consistent.”
“Using this method I calculated that the gold price should rise from the $300 ruling in 2002 to at least $750 without having anything worse than two 16% corrections on the way. That was valuable information at that time. Furthermore, from the $750 target a big 32% correction could be expected to about $500. Then the bull market would resume, rising to perhaps $2,500 before another 32% correction occurred. The final up-move would take the gold price to much higher levels, possibly $6,000. Once again, a valuable insight when gold was $300 in 2002.”
Going forward after gold bottom at 1045 applying the same rule of consistent correction one can forecast the next gold target using the past data from Pedro’s long term chart.
Note the major corrections and extension of gold price after it bottoms.

Year to year:
1933 to 1951: $20.57 to $44.05 = + 2.14 times, 18 years
1951 to 1970: $44.05 to $34.75 =-$9.3, -21.1%, 19 year
1970 to 1976: $34.75 to $195.25 = +5.62 times, 6 years
1976 to 1978: $195.25 to $100.5 = -$94.75,- 48.5%, 2 years
1978 to 1980: $100.5 to $850 = + 8.4 times, 2 years
1980 to 1999: $850 to $252.8 = -$597.12, – 70%, 18 years
1999 to 2011: $252.8 to $1937.2 = + 7.6 times, 12 years
2011 to 2016: $1937 to $1045 = – $892.20, 46.0%, 5 years

What will be the next target from 2015-2016 low using this historic pattern and consistency of gold over 200 years???

Will next Extension in gold price be 4X, 6X or 8x from $1045????? Past extensions of gold price have been in Fib numbers 2, 6, 2, 12, ??????

Gold follows Fib for price and duration. FIB numbers are 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34….

Gold has been in correction for last 5 years (fib). Next fib is 8 years. No one thinks gold will be in correction for additional 3 years.

Applying The rule of alternation gold up cycle should be up for next 5 (fib) years as last up cycle was 12 years (close enough for 13).