Freeport Mac
Big Cap Gold and Copper Producer ( Mostly Copper)
This is what we were all thinking the PM Miners would be doing this year
FCX is a component of the XAU , which is why the XAU has held up better than all the other PM Indices
It is quite unusual for Copper to be breaking out while Gold and Silver are breaking down
actually this never happens……… WTF ?
That’s the reason! Thanks for clearing this one up…now I can go back to sleep…
This is all a huge Trump infrastructure spending/deregulation rally in the broader market.
16.99 dow gold ratio (and rising) is now at a point not seen since Q4 2007 (then falling). Years past at which it was at this level…..Q4 1996 (rising)…..Q2 1972 (falling)…Q1 1959 (rising)….. Q3 1929 (PEAK). Over the past 100 years the ratio has been above this level only 24% of the time. Long term money should not be waiting for better deal in PM’s I believe.