Candlesticks show a bearish hanging man on the S&P 500 weekly chart. Confirmation is needed for it to be valid. Also, all the horseman will be negative with another down day in the S&P 500. Furthermore the VIX has a bullish weekly candle configuration as well.
I have another reason “way out there” depending on your beliefs why gold will rise and and markets will fall this month. It involves an ongoing experiment to predict the future that has had some startlingly accurate results using remote viewing.
Check out Farsight’s Time Cross project:
You are brave to come out in public as potentially putting some reliance on unorthodox methodology such as clairvoiyance.
The last time I looked into it–and I read literature in peer-reviewed scientific literature–the data were suggestive but ambiguous w/ respect to remote viewing of concurrent and future events. In any case, the signal/noise ratio was not good. Perhaps time to re-assess, as with your suggested link. Thanks.
In my own experience trying to test the methodologies as reported from e.g., the various experiments from DOD-sponsored research in Palo Alto around 1980 I myself found some apparent surprising “hits” but a disappointing S/N ratio. If used on markets, good to rely on other methodologies such as charts and other stuff.
I myself am not brave enough to refer to it in public–oops, doing it now–, except in the umbrella term of “intuition.” I personally look at managements, the way things are trading, charts (glance at them more than anything else)–and then do some sort of self-trance meditation thing if only for seconds. Where the results come from, I don’t know–whether any psi effect or just routine prosaic neuronal stuff, no idea whatsoever. Intuition, whether psi has any component or not, is ultimately my #1. Results less than perfect, but not so so bad, yet.
Intellect one thing. Emotion another. Intuition–really light, almost not there, so hard to sense–that’s the one.
Thanks for being bold enough to bring the topic up.