Sorry, not pure TA, but worth knowing about–this is up there with the Edsel and New Coke disasters, except it’s financial website stuff. For up to 20 yr, as you all probably know, various semipros even pros have routinely used despite self-destructive Improvements. It has now made itself useless. Comments–including one made by I think **the** Bollinger of band fame–are the most uniformly derogatory of any comments I (or any of the commentators) have ever seen anywhere. Worth looking at for the coments because: one of the greatest disasters of web history if not the absolute greatest (unless they switch back instantly). See comments to
Compare the self-sabotaged to the still-intact which are like the undestroyed version other than that they lack the message boards.
These 3 still have lots of fundamental financial info easy to get to. They still have the ability to enter dozens of symbols at a time that can be saved for a spreadsheet to be analyzed with one’s own TA. No need to disable scripts and privacy blockers and ad blockers etc. (Unfortunately because of a past Improvement they lost the ability for one to enter simultaneously many symbols and get back charts with SMAs, Bollinger bands, volume–but they’re still great–for the moment.)

Again, a little off topic, but >3 sigma financial web disaster history in the making. Glance at those comments if you have time.