Something has changed in the way Gold and Silver trade overnight. I have watched how they trade overnight for years. The trend was always flat to down after New York closed.

The action resumed the next day just as London closed and before New York opened. between 8-8:30 Eastern time. you could set your watch by it. It consisted of massive manipulated down moves in Gold and Silver.

The goal of course was by the time the curtain rose, and the opening bell rang in New York you would awake to find your positions opened way down. In essence you were trapped.

Lately Gold and Silver have risen after the New York close often making new highs!

The only thing that can account for this change in trading pattern is the new Shanghai Gold Fix.

No longer does London have the exclusive right to fix or manipulate the price of Gold or dump massive amounts of paper Gold contracts NOT backed by anything in the London Metal Dealer Association vaults. (London is essentially a financially unregulated anything goes place. There is no oversight)

To those who say manipulation in the Gold and Silver market is a crackpot tinfoil hat theory I would say please explain the many gap up opens in the New York stock market we are now experiencing.

I believe for the first time we are seeing real price discovery in Gold and Silver not the orchestrated price we have seen up to now.

End of rant.