Here is a nice little discussion on gold and its performance comparison to lumber.—Pension-Partners

with Daniels Cambone and guest Charlie Bilello, Research Director, Pension Partners.

I think the guy has a point. The comparison isn’t trivial. This chart is miles different from a gold:oil or gold:CRB chart!

Anyway, I thought I would look at the gold:lumber ratio on stockcharts and it appeared to be to be quite similar to the gold vs UDN (inverse dollar index) chart that I posted yesterday.$gold:$lumber&p=M&yr=10&mn=0&dy=0&id=p84715185119&a=422997387&listNum=1$gold:udn&p=M&yr=10&mn=0&dy=0&id=p84715185119&a=422997387&listNum=1

Both had bull markets form 2007-2011, both had an aggressive new high in early 2009 after the Crash of 08, both ropped in 2011, both had a crash into 2013 (but gold:lumber indicated the gold bear market FIRST!), both made a major low right at the end of 2013 (along with some elite gold mining stocks funnily enough) and both have been in a steady uptrend since until January 2016:

gold-lumber ratio rpg gsr bottom end 2013 sc (4)

gold udn goldudn rpg similar to lunver sc (4)