CNN Journalist travels to Jerusalem . Visits a man at the Wailing Wall who is rumoured to have been praying there every day for 40 years. Waits patiently , watching intently as the man prays and gyrates for hours. Finally approaches the man .
Moishe ..I am doing a story on you .I have come all the way from New York to ask you a couple of questions .
That’s fine Sure .Go Ahead . Vat vould you like to know ?
What do you pray for when you stand before this wall >?
I pray for peace and love and understanding amongst all the voilds peoples and amongst all the great faiths.
Incredible Moishe …For 40 years every day you pray for these things .
Yes foity years I pray for peace and and goodvill and kindness amongst the peoples of the voild .
And can you please tell our viewers What Is It Like when all is said and done to be praying here so faithfully
at this sacred historical place ?
Moishe considers the question for a moment then looking up at his questioner he replies ,
Vell to tell you the truth mista..Its like Talking to a F^ckn Vall !