Martin Armstrong says Fed Ownership not Nefarious and No Big Secret
The Federal Reserve is not owned by foreign banks, the Queen of England, the Rothschilds, or whomever. The shareholders are American banks. However, the Fed does pay 6% dividends to the private banks that own the shares. The Political Research Associates is a far more reliable source than the people who use bogus books with an agenda.
We could transfer the shareholding to the Treasury, but that would only tempt the Executive who would raise or lower rates for political purposes. We could float the Fed and make their shares public on the NYSE, which would require full disclosure. That is one possible solution.
It is true that foreign share holders bought into Alexander Hamilton’s first bank, but that was not the Federal Reserve. They were investing in an emerging market. This also culminated in the first American banking crisis and bailout – Panic of 1791.
Right now, a 6% fixed dividend is a great investment. It is way out of line with negative rates today.
Here is a list of the top shareholders in the New York Federal Reserve:
•Chase Manhatten Bank
•Morgan Guaranty Trust Company
•Fleet Bank
•Bankers Trust
•Bank of New York
•Marine Midland Bank, and
•Summit Bank
Fully Comment
As a goldbug I was lead to believe the Fed was owned by shadowy foreign banksters who had nothing good to offer America
But were just there to drain her dry
This sounds pretty straight forward
I am still detoxing from all the BS we were fed by the Gold Promoters et al .
But I take responsibility…I bought the story hook line and sinker because I wanted to .
Does it matter precisely which banks own own them? The public is made to believe by their name that they are a federal institution. But they (at least the Board of Governors) are Central Planners that dictate the most important price in the system. That’s at odds with its this nation’s history that shows its prosperity depended on competition. Until 1933, citizens could choose to redeem paper for gold or silver if they thought paper was being over issued or banks were at risk. Now, so-called ‘gains’ earned on gold and silver are taxed, when all gold and silver really do is hedge against currency debasement.
The fact that Armstrong has come out with this statement clearly indicates that its not a straightforward matter to find the answer to this question. One reason Griffin’s book is popular.
Some of those shareholders are likely correct. But I still question whether or not foreign shareholders remain, directly or indirectly.
I just Added the ink MA posted to my post here
Here it is
Anyone else notice that more than half these banks listed don’t even exist anymore? This list is ancient. Besides what does it matter which banks own shares in federal reserve banks when owning shares is a requirement of a bank to operate within the FRB system. Of course these shareholder banks include foreign firms. Anyone think Deutche Bank, RBS, BMO, and TD aren’t shareholders in the federal reserve regional banks? All you need to know is that the President appoints the FRB chairman and the Senate approves of it. Congress established it. The FRB has its own police department. This is an organization of, by, and for the government. So when a government establishes an industrial cartel, is it any wonder that the companies doing business in that industry have an undue influence upon that government’s actions?