Cycles move with shifts in Investor sentiment. For some reason, Investor sentiment usually shifts within an average timing band. Typically, there is some “event” that triggers the change in sentiment (e.g. FMOC, Employment Report, etc.) That said, all bets could be off on normal timing bands with Martin Armstrong’s ECM and Gold Benchmark low approaching.

The USD and Stocks (SPX) are nearing the timeframes where we often see a Trading Cycle top and Gold is now in the timing band for a Trading Cycle low (but not it’s longer term Intermediate Cycle Low).

USD is now on day 15 of its TC3 uptrend (TC Lows 18-23 days on average). The chart below shows what might happen with Friday’s Employment Report.

USD TC Trends 2015-11-04 at 7.05.20 PM

Gold is now on day 24 of TC3 and has entered the timing band for a TC Low (24-29 days low to low on average but they have been longer). Armstrong’s Gold Array shows that November is a peak for “volatility” so perhaps we get a brief TC4 bounce to shake out some shorts before moving into it’s IC Low in early December (MA’s key Benchmark Date is the week of 12/7).

Gold IC Signals 2015-11-04 at 5.39.08 PM

Stocks are now on day 27 of TC1 and often top near day 30 while finding a TC low between days 36-43. Sir Norvast and I have Nov 24-25 as a likely TC Low for stocks. The 2040 level would be a 38.2 fib retrace while the 50ma would be close to 50%. Given how bullish the current uptrend is, perhaps any correction will be milder. As always, Time will tell.

SPX IC Trends 2015-11-04 at 6.06.43 PM