Even Armstrong Sees Markets Moving Up from Turn Date
From his blog today —-
“The fact that the stock markets are crashing into the 2015.75 turning point, rather than making a major high, indicates what we should expect to unfold in the future. In 1987, the low was on the day of the ECM, as was the case in 1994, whereas 1998.55 was the high in the Dow that day. So a low suggests higher highs, whereas a high at this point in time will mean a profound longer-term correction.”
This scenario makes much more sense to me compared to a crash at this point just based on how the charts to look to me. Again, I will be looking for huge leg down in the weeks or months to come but this just doesn’t seem like the setup to me.
Per Caldaro, if the market bottom was 1867 then that was the completion of P4, with P5 to come and end late Nov/early Dec to end the bull market.