Silver unleashed

Yesterday the big question was at $30 will silver be sold or bought. We got our answer this morning.

It has amazed me how investors have continued to be so negative about silver. It’s actually like people can’t stand to make money in this sector any more due to their recency bias

Bitcoin: You should be aware of this market dynamic

Peter Brandt posted this on his site:

Does history make a case that Bitcoin has topped?

Says it all right now

Gold & Silver stocks- I just love all of these well formed broad bases

The charts are jammed packed with numerous well formed broad bases. It is nothing short of a Stan Weinstein dream. Plus it is smack in the beginning of upward seasonality and at the tail end of tax loss season. I sure hope you are chock full of these babies and have strapped yourself in.

The leaders are already well on their way, but the vast majority are now just in the process of breaking up out of their bases. I am sure you know that sentiment in the PM market has been wretched, but you also should know that is the basis of a great upside move. In fact I have characterized this move as simply going from despised to simply unloved. That slight movement in psychology will deliver a double to even a triple in the most hated (silver producers)

Here are some pictures of pretty bottoms:

I could go on, but I think you get the point.

But, you know what is even more exciting than these daily charts that are just now setting up for upside runs? Take a look at some of the leaders that look somewhat extended on their daily charts and put them on a weekly chart. They are even more exciting as one sees their bases are well tested and set up for powerful moves. Keep in mind the old saw “the bigger the base the higher the space” Here are just 3 of my favs:

Internet winner today

CDE- Avoid, It’s that simple

Enough said. When the silver bugs are out pumping CDE just remember they will always set the record in stock dilution. Therefore this is what you will always get:

Osisko Gold Royalties- Opportunity Knocks…. off 11%

So they pushed out the CEO, big deal. This little gem is trading 22% off its highs right now as we speak. It bounced right off of its breakout resistance in a backtest.
What more could one ask for.

Osisko holds in its core what is probably the best royalty in the world. A 5% royalty on the Canadian Malartic.

IMHO One should scour under the front room couch to find the last quarter to throw into OR today

Alaskan Glaciers

Here is my contribution from a couple of years ago from a little bit higher altitude. A true river of ice coming off of Mt McKinley. I remember that day and how fabulous the view was. Thanks for all your posts Gold Balloon.

Russian Maskirovka

If you read this piece it will go a long way in helping you understand what just happened in Russia. The West just got suckered and they don’t even know it yet.

Operation Bagration, 1944
The 1944 Operation Bagration in Belarus applied the strategic aims and objectives on a grand scale,[21] to deceive the Germans about the scale and objectives of the offensive.[53] The historian Paul Adair commented that “Once the Stavka had decided upon the strategic plan for their 1944 summer offensive [Bagration], they began to consider how the Germans could be deceived about the aims and scale of the offensive… the key to the maskirovka operation was to reinforce the German conviction that operations would continue along this [southern] axis”.[54]
In particular, the Stavka needed to be certain that the Germans believed the main Soviet attack would be in the south. The Soviet plan successfully kept the German reserves doing nothing south of the Pripyat marshes until the battle to the north in Belorussia had already been decided.[55] Stavka succeeded in concealing the size and position of very large movements of supplies, as well as of forces including seven armies, eleven aviation corps and over 200,000 troop replacements.

Wokesters… WOW I wonder when these corp managements wake up as to what’s going on.

The markets waking up.

Meme of the day

Janet Yellen’s Budget negotiations

Her she is:

Silver Juniors- Wipeout!

Plus the subset of silver explorers are even worse.

Silver stocks have been in a bear market since August 2020…. Period.


Life Insurance companies are now succumbing to the vaxx

We know PFE MRNA & JNJ have taken the needle, but now the life insurance companies are joining in.

Best Ukraine analysis and info source- MacGregor and Luongo

I know Luongo is mentioned plenty as a unique source of thinking about the elites and what they are up to. But I don’t see much mentioned about Col MacGregor. MacGregor a West Point grad and REAL war hero vs the armchair generals such as Petraeus is the most knowledgeable voice out there that makes any sense. I am surprised he hasn’t been shut down.

I recall him from the great tank battle series on the History Channel about 20 years ago. He gives a great recap of the battle of 73 Eastings. Here is one of my favorite short clips:

Watch the whole thing, it’s amazing. But another fascinating thing about this series is it chronicles a much younger Captain McMasters who also was a bonafide war hero, but regrettably went on to serve in the White House under Trump and ultimately betrayed him. Small world.

That’s just a short clip and he has several others in the full documentary.

Here is a current interview on the Ukraine war. I highly recommend keeping up with him.

Just wait for that pivot… it’ll be awesome

Alex mike drop

Silver/Gold Stocks

I sold out all of my yesterday acquired silver stocks just after todays open. I would have held, however I am going full defensive. The downside whoosh in the general market may be approaching.

Plus my impulse measuring method shows lower prices in the silver stocks before their patterns are completed.

Good Luck.

Silver stocks finally starting to look buyable perhaps… Chartmaster, front and center.

Just look at them… SILV. PAAS. AG. SILJ. Silver down now 17 days in a row.

Holy Crap- MicroStrategy dropped 25% today.. No wonder we haven’t heard from Saylor.

This is probably the next phone call he gets:

Rich Strike: If you haven’t watched this view of the race it’s totally inspirational

Fully you said you needed some inspirational stuff from time to time… well here it is.

GDX- don’t shoot the messenger

The chart is talking not Plunger. But the impulse power allows a measured move to …. wait for it… 32.66

Gold $1825 magnet

$1825 is acting like a magnet for gold. Perhaps after it is reached the stocks can then rally

Roots of Ukrainian conflict

First 20 min of this podcast will give you a deep understanding what this all about. Note going to get this from the MSM.

Podcast Episode #100 — Alistair Crooke and Russia’s Real War for Independence

Tom Loungo- Reset your mind

Finally catching up on my news feed viewing so this is 2 weeks old, but wow it’s a mind opener.
I recommend viewing the entire one and a half hours. For one it answers the question if Vlad is working with the Globalist… Absolutely not. But here is the biggest revelation: Humankind’s biggest hope is in the odd couple…. Vlad and Jerome Powell. Yes, you read that right. If that sounds totally radical to you then you need to watch this.

PS I can’t believe this is still. up on YouTube.

MNRA- Price objective

Interesting idea. I used some mad money to buy MRNA Jun 100 puts. I have a price objective of $73.40. The methodology that I use, which can be seen with the link gives it a high probability the PO will be reached.

Edward Dowd – a must follow individual

I just watched him interviewed on Alex and was blown away. I guess last week he was on Bannon’s show as well. It’s a must watch, he is a wall street insider who has lot’s to say about the course of the plandemic and where it’s going. Main point is they have been caught now and are cornered, they could get real dangerous now. The criminals are starting to act and look scared. He is a real nose to the ground observer. He has a lot to say, watch the lead in and then the rest. He says Wall Street is uncovering the fraud of big pharma and sees PFE going to 10 and MRNA to zero!

Put him on your twitter feed and Gettr…. @Dowdedward

Have to go to and look for it



Another Interview

Trudeau’s Personal Security Resigns from RCMP

Cpl Buford…Hero