US Navy Medic Shut Down for Releasing unclassified DOD Data Showing a 937% Increase in Heart Failure Among Vaccinated US Military Personnel
That the deaths and health injuries are anything but rare is evident from the report by a US Navy medic that Department of Defense data show that US Navy pilots have suffered a:
937% increase in heart failure
152% increase in cardiomyopathy
69% increase in ischemic heart disease
36% increase in hypertensive disease
36% increase in hypertensive disease
63% increase in other forms of heart disease
I was mandated to receive the jab from military, job & university.
Based on prevention of illness & transmission lies. Diagnosed with GuillainBarreSyndrome Immune system destroyed my body. Paralysis, coma, neuropathy, cognitive impairment & more. This didn’t have to happen.
And a thousand percent increase in schadenfreude – which is neither christian, nor deadly! So you can ask forgiveness, and still be alive. Works for me.
I agree with the twitter comment: “Weak people are dangerous”.
Also, stupid people (or dumb fucks) are dangerous to be around. They can get you killed if you follow them. Avoid them, and forget trying to have a logical conversation, especially using facts or truth.
They “think” based on “feelings”.
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