The food processing company wants to hire migrants who are arriving in New York for jobs Americans don’t want.

The food processing company wants to hire 52,000 asylum seekers for factory jobs, offering a starting wage of $16.50 per hour along with benefits. The company understands and is aware that these are jobs that many find unpleasant, such as washing meat, placing the cuts into trays, final inspections for bones and packing meat, but believe this will help the refugees to start a life in America.

For example, the company says that it has allocated $1.5 million a year for legal aid services and will be providing its new employees with temporary housing, on-site child care, transportation, a relocation stipend, and paid time off to attend court hearings and to adjust to their new homes.


Watch this local Iowa tv report on Tyson plant closure. The plant workers in Iowa are all Illegal Aliens.


The Great Replacement of US Citizens continues at full speed…………..

It’s a heck of a deal for corporations — they can drop hourly wages to subsistence level and (in all likelihood) collect government subsidies for hiring migrants (while firing US citizens). Reduced costs that drop straight to the bottom line and thus reward pockets of executives!