…………….Thus, the NATO-backed Neo-Nazi junta is looking for cannon fodder elsewhere. As previously mentioned, women are now being increasingly targeted for this purpose.

The report found there are 5.6 million Ukrainian women “of military age” (18-60) and supposedly “eligible for military service”. Texty claims that 46% of them are raising children, meaning that over 3 million women would be targeted for conscription. According to their assessment, “if the war drags on for years or if Russia dramatically increases the number of its forces, the conscription of women can significantly improve the situation”. Texty further adds that this is supposedly “good”, citing the example of “democratic countries, [where] women have equal rights with men and participate in all types of activities that were previously considered purely male”. The very idea that the countries of the political West are supposedly “democratic” shows just how incredibly naive (or at the very least brainwashed) the authors are.
