For Immediate Release: Dated March 9,2024 The newly formed association of silver miners in Canada, the US, Mexico and South America are announcing that effective immediately they are setting a minimum benchmark price of $35 per troy ounce for silver.

That benchmark price will remain in effect until July 1st 2024, at which time the price will be set at a minimum of $40 per troy ounce until January 1st 2025 when the benchmark price will increase to $50 per troy ounce.

After decades of price manipulation and suppression by bankers and commodity exchanges, the silver mining industry will no longer tolerate such criminal and illegal behavior. These price benchmarks are meant to normalize prices to reach a reasonable level without distrupting the many industries reliant on silver as a key component of their products.

Going forward the industry intends to consult with their many users for input in determining future minimum benchmark price levels. (This is not The Babylon Bee)