THIS is a real eye opener

The link is to a New York Times Article presenting their latest Presidential Poll

It’s a Trump +5 National Poll with a lot of bad news for Biden Supporters

BUT the eye opener is in the comments section accessed in a link at the end of the post. I suppose we shouldn’t be too surprised at the comments from NYT subscribers as they are Libtardians after all BUT holy Fook !

Look how they think …We tend to live in our own “Bubble” and read only Conservative and “Far Right”
articles…so I think it is very constructive to see how the other half thinks.

I went through the first 100 ( of 2000 ) comments and NOT one is anything other than the leftardian opinions…Not ONE

NYT is paywaled but they offer a free trial…just enter your email address and make up a password then when prompted to subscribe just click continue without subscribing. I think you will be enlightened by reading these comments…and more than a bit amused

some examples

Just checked expirations on all of our family’s passports, just in case we need to ask for a political asylum in Canada or Europe, if Trump gets re-elected.

When we reach October and Biden continues to show his sharpness–especially when dealing with the trump-putin threat–and when trump is shuffling from courtroom to courtroom, there will be a tsunami shift of voters to President Joe

Other than Trump, Biden is objectively the worst candidate we have seen in my life time.

We are sleep walking to 2016 all over again.

And I think he’s done a good job as president. But it’s not what about very informed politics addicts like me think. Its about the swing state voters. I am extremely concerned for the outcome.

Can anyone who’s unhappy with Biden’s performance for the past 3-odd years provide evidence, based on Trumps’s time in office, that he would have done a better job if he’d had a second term? It was Trump’s mishandling of the pandemic that led to 1,000,000 deaths and the current inflation problem, Trump who threatened Ukraine and make nice with Putin, Xi and Kim, Trump who borke the budget with his tax cuts for the rich, Trump who is the only US president ever impeached twice, and Trump who led an insurrection against the US government when he lost the presidential election for a second time. He accomplished everything possible, and then some.

“But viewed another way, Mr. Trump’s current lead over Mr. Biden is built with a significant number of voters who believe he is a criminal.” I used to think that only in banana republics could this happen. I’m stunned that people who acknowledge that Trump has committed federal crimes is a better candidate for president than Joe Biden, one of the most effective presidents of the last 100 years.

Many voters – especially Republicans – vote based on their emotions, not rational thinking. (How else could Trump be winning?)
They see Biden as weak and frail. Trump’s authoritarian tendencies appeal to them. They don’t know or care about how the economy is actually doing.
Hopefully Trump will be convicted (and sentenced!) before the election. That may be Biden’s best hope.

Please please please President Biden. You’ve done a great job and been a great statesman. You’re a patriot and a compassionate man. Now it’s time for you do do what’s necessary to keep Trump out of the White House: step aside for a talented younger generation.

This election comes down to one issue. Do Americans want to continue to live in a Democracy and support a Constitution based on the rule of law, or do they want to live in a Autocracy with a Dictator modeled on Russia? Democracy or Autocracy, which is it America? There won’t be any going back to Democracy and the Constitution, after it’s gone in four years if they choose Autocracy under Donald Trump.

I blame this on the right wing media and the fringe right. Biden has shown extraordinary leadership especially on the international front. He got so much through Congress. He brought us out of the pandemic. A decent man who cares about us and democracy. Best president of my lifetime. Insane that Trump would have any chance against him. Palm to forehead. As they say, no one is coming to our rescue. Democrats and independents: VOTE like your life depends upon it. Precinct walk. Phone bank. Time for a full court press. Can’t sit this one out.

I find it difficult to believe that this poll is indicative of the national mood on which candidate might be the better presidential choice.

Their presidential track records speak for themselves.

President Biden, previously a long-tenured US Senator, has never been in danger of being impeached. We can count on his judgment as being sound, whether or not we may agree with it his specific political stance.

Former President Trump, on the other hand, has been and continues to be a chaotic, erratic personality. He has stated that, if elected, he will be a dictator, like his idol Vladamir Putin, “but only for a day.”

How, exactly, are U.S citizens supposed to interpret this statement? I find it very unsettling, indeed.


I have for years thought that the only way to get through to the right wingers I encounter in my super-red State is to give them what they say they want. Nobody is hurt more by the policies advanced by the Republican Party than the lower and middle class Americans who vote for them.
Democrats neither can figure out how to teach them that lesson nor are cruel enough to try, and they have been saved from suffering that fate by those they elect passing other people’s money to them while simultaneously honoring those recipients as rugged, self-sufficient patriots. That’s why red States are the leaders in getting federal dollars without which they couldn’t survive.
And nobody is better at persuasively lying to them than Trump.



Biden is the most politically astute, the wisest, and the most representative of America, the majority of which is politically moderate and includes minority communities which strongly support Biden.

Biden has worked hard to build strong U.S. connections in Asia, economic and military alliances, to safeguard against the mounting threat of China. He has supported Ukraine against Putin’s aggression. He has worked hard to continue bringing jobs back to the U.S.

The only area in which Biden needs improvement is on immigration and the porous border. That’s a big issue on which he needs to work hard fast. Otherwise, he’s a great President.