-uncontrolled illegal migration into Western nations
-spending more on migrants than our working poor and the homeless
-catch and release of criminals
-uncontrolled spending with the intent to collapse the currency
-the push for WW3
-the WEF has captured whatever party was in power during the Scamdemic
ie Conservatives in the UK, Liberals in the US and Canada
-it’s no longer right vs left
-after the forced Covid shots the WHO wants to pass the WHO Pandemic Treaty with IHRs that override the sovereignty of nations since it worked so well LOL the first time (shots for everything)
-the emergence of “One Health”
-brainwash another generation of Western children through SOGI
-greatly diminish the world’s food supply
-censor the truth and spread misinformation about the truth tellers
-corrupt all levels of education
-Net-Zero and dodgy climate science with increasing levels of carbon tax
-loss of trust in all of our institutions: medicine, media, education and Government

I’ve probably missed a few.

Sadly, the Normies have never seen any of this on the news or if they do it is spun as “for the common good”.
How long before the above comes unravelled and is no longer hidden?
What will life look like when the it is no longer possible to censor and lie to the public?

Everything in life is cyclical. Weak men gave us bad times. Bad times will give us Strong men who will lead us to the Awakening.

In the present, just when you believe it can’t become crazier it does. The tipping point is coming and we will have to live through it.

Do not think anyone will get through unscathed. We just may see a huge population decline via war, famine and shot damage before the next cycle. Who knows?

(Do not take this as fear porn, it is the reality of life)