Due to all the BS coming from Ottawa and Castreau, it appears that the tide has turned. From accepting the Covid restrictions initially, to realizing they were conned to now becoming angry at the Net-Zero narrative. Most people jumped right to the “Fuck You” reaction to the Climate Crazies message. They’re not buying it this time. Nice to hear.

I hear many suggestions of extreme violence to these clowns in Ottawa.
Even shocks me. Of course I have to prime the pump to get them going.
People are fed up with everything. Never heard this before.

On the other hand, there are some incredibly stupid people out there who will sleepwalk into communism. I usually encourage them to keep up to date with their shots except even they are done with the poison. What else can I say!

My concern is that the Feds know the mood of the people and thus need to create the “Mother of all Fears” to bring the wayward in line.
Not sure what that would be. Major civil unrest is around the corner.

Aussie Digger has returned to the Mtn and he’s always good for dealing shit upon the ignorant and wayward liberals in a way that only he can do.