Considering how far down the slope we have progressed in just a few years, there is good reason to suspect that child euthanasia is on the horizon—and sooner than we think.

Countries around the world should be viewing Canada’s euthanasia regime as a cautionary tale. In Australia, a fellow Commonwealth country, they appear to be taking the opposite approach. In June 2019, assisted suicide became available in the state of Victoria; in July 2021, in Western Australia; in October 2022, in Tasmania; in New South Wales in November 2023; this month, in Queensland and South Australia. Now, the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), which contains the country’s capital of Canberra and is thus particularly influential, is considering an even more radical approach to what is referred to as “voluntary assisted dying” (VAD).


CANADA was the testing ground for this new Globalist WEF-UN-WHO “health policy” as one-of-many methods to achieve world depopulation. Perhaps the elite believe this to be the “more friendly” approach to genocide advocated by Club of Rome member Dennis Meadows in