“Politicians and Diapers both need to be changed often, and for the same reason”
Mark Twain

from another board

Friend-of-friend tried getting back into USA from Mexico.
( ) – Thu, Jan 11, 2024 – 07:20 AM

American citizens, friend has married couple friends, both USA citizens but her hubbies parents live in Mexico. Hubbies father died and the couple drove from Dallas with their young family to Mexico for funeral.

Getting back, they were stopped a few miles from the border by the Cartel. They were told (not just warned) that this would hanppen. Cartel opened doors at gunpoint. “Does anybody need help getting across the border?” was the question. Guns were pointed, kids screaming, etc.

They were able to convince them that they were “legit” and after a few breathless minutes, they let them pass. They crossed back into America legally. They told somebody at the border station about the incident. Agent (or whoever) said the going rate for a cartel escort across the line is $80,000. They are very clear that they eventually expect to get paid, or they will kill you/family.

Let alone they could have trafficked the kids and killed Mom and Dad.

Ukraine on the Rio Grande. But on the bright side, Amerikans are learning by the millions now why politicians and criminals have the same smell. They are one and the same. In a perfect world where votes count, stinky pols would not get elected this November. The theatrics of politics have opened the curtains on the realities of organized crime.