Finally, the Bitcoin ETF’s have been approved and they start trading tomorrow. Gary Gensler and the SEC has been slow walking this for months.(even years) I have written previously about Bitcoin being created to siphon investment flows from going into gold. It has actually done a pretty good job once it got established. Just think how much higher gold would be if there weren’t cryptos available as an alternative to those seeking to diversify out of fiat. Well either the govt. couldn’t delay the Bitcoin ETF’s any longer OR more likely they need as many and as big distractions as they can get to offset or at least mitigate the coming economic upheavals. I don’t know how meaningful the ETF’s will be to creating another big leg higher in Bitcoin but it is quite possible the final blowoff phase of the everything bubble is about to begin. How better to distract from the reality that the dollar is dying than to have stocks, bitcoin and everything else rising in price at the same time that gold and silver are doing so as well. Don’t be distracted, keep your eyes on the prize, real money, gold and silver.