Charts is Charts (Panda Wu)
audio clip while you contemplate this 30 sec.
25 year chart.
Nearly 100 years ago, the newly emerging world leading economy suffered a major stock market crash.
Rinse and repeat?
Wu explains
Chinese culture regards RED as good fortune and happy, and GREEN as cold and bearish. So, kind of opposite in color theme to the rest of the world, quite strange and weird for foreigners.
In Chartology terms if a pattern doesnt breakout until the apex it tends to just drift on aimlessly
Sam offered up a VLT chart for SSEC this last weekend, promising a bottom EOY.
When I shared his count with ET, he spotted a rule violation. I shared that with Sam this morning, so we’ll see if he responds [he just did — discussion ongoing] to that and how. I have a crude concept in mind, but I’ll leave it to Sam to see if there is a valid count for it along my lines of thinking.