Individuals can counteract the globalist agenda by learning more about the treaties and agreements and conventions that are increasingly governing our lives, parlaying that knowledge into an effective movement to exit the WHO and the UN.

Newsflash: contrary to the worries of conspiracy realists, global government is not a far-off, distant threat waiting for us in some potential dystopian future.

No, it’s not a future threat. The truth is that global government is already set up and functioning. Here. Now.

In fact, it’s not even happening in secret. It’s happening in the most visible way possible: “Conference of the Parties,” of course, aka the mechanism by which individual nation-states have been willingly ceding their sovereignty to the globalist technocrats for decades now.

“This is how your coming global governmental body will be brought into existence. This is how it will establish its Rules of Procedure (which can be composed of whatever phoney baloney rules they want). This is how it will establish its funding mechanism: in a transparent sham of a parody of the “democracy” that these rulers pretend to hold dear. This is how sovereignty ends”