“Whites, men, owning class, upper-middle-class, heterosexuals, gentiles, Christians, non-disabled individuals,” are a ‘privileged group member.’

A copy of the NSA’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Glossary, published in May 2022, was recently obtained by The Daily Wire. The glossary defines 327 “social justice” terms and explicitly promotes Critical Race Theory (CRT) and LGBT ideologies.

It defines “settler colonialism” as enforcing codes of superiority such as “white supremacy.” Examples include “white European occupations of land in what is now the United States, Spain’s settlements throughout Latin America, and the Apartheid government established by White Europeans in South Africa.”

“White fragility” is defined as a state in which “even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves [in white people].”
