The current up to date shot numbers in Alberta of less than 1% may be a sign that the Covid Cult members have awakened and joined the Centre in their shame and embarrassment of believing the propaganda. Embracing as many of these people as possible with kindness and understanding may be the only way we can ensure that we overwhelmingly reject as a body the evils of the WEF, the WHO, the UN and our destructive governments. Those three letter agencies relied on the rabid support from the Branch and the Centre at first and are now only left with the Branch. Imagine if the Branch was only 10% or less. A peaceful “do not comply” campaign against any future evils will have little effect.

Same goes for the Net-Zero adherents who are driving this madness. The whole narrative is proving to fall apart under it’s own propaganda but we still need critical mass on our side.

The WHO and others are accelerating their plan as I believe they need it in place before the collapse of the sovereign debt, fiat currency scheme.
Total control of the pissed off masses or they fail and we will come for them.

It is entirely acceptable to hold elected and unelected official accountable for their actions that have harmed others. The everyday citizen usually suffers overwhelmingly at the hands of the propagandists.

Our time is running out.