The numbers on disability claims are going right out of the ballpark and straight into Hell. In one instance (using UK Disability data), Edward Dowd notes that the disability increase was a staggering and unprecedented 61 Standard Deviations off the norms. WTF!!!!  That is a number that cannot even fit in this universe its so insane. In finance and charting we freak out when price moves a mere 3 standard deviations since its so  unusual. But sixty one? Nobody can cover up that kind of damage by saying that climate change is the cause of such extreme health outcomes. Ed then compares his UK data set with US info which is no longer as easily accessible as it once was.  This stuff is shocking beyond belief. Edward has a few charts to accompany his analysis and discusses the findings along with comments on what it means for the economy, employment, growth, insurance trends and lots more. Well worth listening too as he is a very sharp guy. This is two segments on the Alex Jones Show.

Hour one- Ed Dowd and Alex Jones…starts at the 20:21 minutes mark.

Hour Two – Ed Dowd continued with Alex Jones

The following chart is based on UK Disability Data