Repost…with additional comments in the 6th comment section ( these are from Dr McDonalds Subscribers )

From Mark MacDonald MD ( Psychiatrist)…(I concur completely)

To be more precise, I feel that I no longer have any empathy or sense of obligation to care about the people I am surrounded by in the city where I live—Los Angeles. I’m referring to the people who continue to line up for booster shots, wear their masks like obedient little sheep, bid farewell to others with the words, “Stay safe.” These people still display no curiosity to explore an answer to the question, “What the hell happened to our society these past three years?” They know the answer: Donald Trump. They dutifully layer their social media profiles with a Ukranian flag, a rainbow flag, a BLM flag…any flag but the American flag. They still have their “Biden For President” lawn sign stuck into the ground in their front yard (They’ll be all ready to go in 2024.), right next to “Hate Has No Home Here,” right next to their plug-in Tesla. They’re getting sick in unprecedented numbers, developing rare cancers, suffering strokes and heart attacks. Many are simply dropping over dead.

And I am unmoved.

I tried for over two years. Many of us did. I tried to educate, challenge, and inform them of the dangers of their ways. I confronted them with reality, humor, and sometimes anger…all well-deserved. They harmed everyone by their slavish devotion to foolish and stupid ideology, and they continue to. Not only do I now believe they cannot be saved. I have no interest in saving them. They are not deserving of being saved. They made their choice.

So there is no misunderstanding, I must be clear that I do not WISH illness, suffering, and death on this disordered and self-destructive majority. I simply do not wish to help them anymore. To continue to assist someone who abjectly refuses to acknowledge reality, culpability, and accountability is worse than futile. It is enabling. It is also self-harming. I’ve come to realize that it takes a lot of energy, discipline, and work to consistently practice self-care. When you are under daily assault—by high viral loads from the self-immuno-compromised, by the projections of hate and intolerance by the “inclusive and tolerant” woke Left, by the deranged and rabid rantings of the Trump Derangement Syndrome ward—preserving your own physical and emotional well-being must become your first priority. Keeping yourself healthy in such chaos is a moral obligation.

Wasting precious resources on lost causes makes it less likely that one can do good. When there is less good in society, that society declines. Our society is now in rapid decline. Further weakening the strength of the dwindling population that still does good ensures the demise of any hope for recovery.

I didn’t feel any misanthropic tendencies for a full month until last week. That’s when I returned to Los Angeles after an extended trip to central and southern Europe. It struck me that the people in that part of the world do not display any of the sickness I see replete in Los Angeles and in nearly every urban center in the United States today. They live their lives and go about their business, interacting with one another in a largely relaxed and respectful manner. They live in and honor reality. They share core values about what makes a good society. They are not obsessed with safety, equity, or Donald Trump.

During this month of good will to others abroad, I noticed three commonalities in every city I visited: ideologically neutral public education, intact families, and religion. Of course, not every school is perfect, not every child has two parents, and not every citizen attends church regularly; however, in this part of the world, it is still understood to be the ideal that everyone receive a basic education, grow up in a two-parent home, and go to church. These are values and they are respected in society. They used to be values in the US as well, not only in rural America but also in the cities. No longer. The stated aim of government schools is to indoctrinate. A family is whatever one wants it to be. Religion is for the stupid and narrow-minded. Not only is a traditional church-going family with home-schooled children rare today in urban America. It is considered an object of mockery. That is why our cities have turned into hellscapes.

I look back fondly at the time I spent sitting on a bench in the various town-squares of the cities I traveled through in central and southern Europe, watching children playing, old people strolling, and students having coffee. Contrast that with any public park in Santa Monica, where you’re more likely to find addicts shooting heroin, homeless starting fires, and criminals peddling stolen bicycles. There is no public square in American cities today. It has been replaced by Twitter.

Show me something to care about, and perhaps I’ll locate what’s left of my good will. Until then, while I remain in the pit of modern America, the city, I will offer society what it deserves—indifference on a good day, and, on every other, a solid dose of misanthropy.

The Comments are GOOD !