A Kenyan doctor is revealing more information about a World Health Organization (WHO) tetanus vaccine campaign he and others say was part of a mass sterilization campaign of young women to control population growth. He accused the WHO and even UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) of intentionally sterilizing young Kenyan women under the guise of eradicating tetanus, and also accused colleagues of trying to discredit his research into the issue.

“UNICEF was involved because they’re the ones, I think, who are paying for some of those drugs. Bill Gates … [is] always involved with those vaccines,” he said. “It’s one of those things that people must understand. There are elements in each of those international organizations that has an agenda that is really clear. Why would anybody think they have a right to determine which women should give birth and who shouldn’t? It’s a terrible experience, but I think it’s something worth sharing.”
