Canada: Up to date on their shots (a shot within 6 months)
The data is delayed a couple of weeks but for the past month of reporting, the percentage has stayed the same. 17.2% My interpretation is that 82% of Canadians are done with the shots. The reply I receive from the shotted is an emphatic “NO MORE SHOTS!”. Geez, they don’t have to yell it out 🙂 I guess they do.
Many will pass on the flu shots. It remains to be seen. The rollout is about to start in earnest.
“There will be consequences!” says The Turd.
We are sending him a message. Piss right off!
“There will be consequences!” says The Turd. Yes, there will be but not the one’s he refers to. If many more people don’t get flu shots, many more people, WON’T get the flu. I have never gotten a flu shot and never gotten the flu. I have heard from a number of people over the years that have gotten flu shots and many(not all) got the flu the same season. It isn’t worth the risk. Simple risk/benefit analysis.
I see TV commercials now calling it “cold & flu vaccines” , cough & sneeze vaccines would not surprise me.
The Turd is still working on the WEF digital ID.
Good Stuff Columbia…thanks for keeping us posted
The TURD will suffer the consequences . 80% …what you gonna do spank us all ?