Yesterday (or the day before), I asked this question after watching Dr. Paul Marik’s video.  Most online searches (bringing back results from the lying liars) say no, so I dug a little further.  This substack writer seems to think it is really bad news:

So the question now is: which is worst, spike protein from the jab or spike protein from infection?

An excerpt:

“I believe, like this individual, those who are dying from sudden cardiac arrest due to this mechanism, may be experiencing symptoms of cardiac arrest, perhaps many, many times before the fatal event, yet because they are young and seemingly full of health, they dismiss the warning signs as fatigue or stress.

As many of those who have followed my work know, I believe this is yet another example of how SARS-CoV-2 and its Spike Protein create a pathologic “whack-a-mole” environment. If it’s not thromboembolism that damages the brainstem, it’s the autoantibodies, etc.

I do not believe we should be resting easy that the acute symptoms of COVID-19 appear to be easing. I once again ask all readers to consider China’s continued zero COVID stance. Could it be they know information we are just gleaning? For example, does the Spike Protein inexorably march to the brainstem? To cause a sudden, fast and “merciful execution?”

I apologize for waxing morbid, but I am extremely concerned. After all. It wouldn’t be the first-time viral proteins have traveled to the brain to cause certain death. I will sum this concern up with just one word: Rabies.

Let’s hope we find a therapeutic to degrade the Spike Protein, and if it is replicating, ways to inhibit this. Could we be dealing with another HIV-like lurker?

I will continue to work on the mechanisms of the Spike Protein and on therapeutics to combat it.”