A legislator in Germany took to the floor of the Bundestag this past week, and let slip a date: September 24.  The translation of the video says: “Dear colleagues, this 24. of September 2022 will be a day remaining in our memories as a day we will say, I remember exactly where I was”.  More at this link:


The Pope issued an ORDER at the end of August, instructing “All Vatican entities worldwide, must move their financial instruments and assets to the Vatican Bank not later than September 30.”


Also, today USAWatchdog.com had Bo Polney (I know what you’re thinking – “Bo loney”) who predicts Sept. 24 is the end of a 50 year Shemita cycle so it will be  big event on that day for that reason – a possible market crash.


And then last Thursday, Peter Eliades called for a correction, but his price target for a move down got exceeded so it may be later than in the next week, which may line up with Sept 24 also.  Here’s his interesting analysis:


Of course, this could all be a coincidence…or maybe not.