Something I have thought about a number of times over the decades, just got triggered by a political propaganda puff piece on CBS about Senator Leahy of VT. I have often wondered how New England went so left and away from their roots, politically over the decades. New England used to be the stalwart of conservatve thought and behavior when I was growing up as a kid. Places like Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and even Vermont were basically similiar to the Mid West and South in being patriotic, fiscally and morally conservative and common sense people for the most part. Yes, you had the Kennedy’s in Massachusetts, but even that state wasn’t the liberal bastion it and all the rest have become. How stupid and deluded the populations of these states have become. They routinely vote one party, Dems, and send the same tired liberal morons like Leahy, Bernie Sanders and all the rest to Congress repeatedly, for decades. I guess they make the same mistake that most other states, particularly smaller ones do, that they have better representation with somone who has amassed seniority over someone new. A big failure of our whole system and why I have been for term limits for  at least fifty years. I just shake my head in disgust and disappointment that New Englanders have become as big a part of the problem as liberal bastions like New York and California, despite their original traditional New England values.