He goes into detail on what Carleson said in Friday’s show regarding the Vaxx. Then here is his take on the significance


So, it’s finally out, and into the mainstream media. Now, we’ll watch and see what happens. Does Tucker get cancelled? Does some group start a pressure campaign against his advertisers? Does the government contact Fox News, concerned about Tucker spreading disinformation? Do they wheel out Fauci and Birx to “debunk” Tucker’s studies and reassure Americans “the vaccines are competely safe and 100% effective — mostly.”?

In other words, Tucker just broke ALL the rules of covid coverage. You aren’t allowed to even ASK the question whether the jabs might hurt people; that’s strictly forbidden. But there was Tucker, reading from several anti-vaccine studies and speculating that as many as 1 in 5,000 Americans could have a serious vaccine injury. Will Tucker be buried in the mammoth pushback?

Nope. Not so far.

So far, it’s crickets. When I searched all my go-to news sources this morning for “Tucker” news, I found his anti-vaccine screed was completely invisible. Not a peep, not anywhere. I even tried to look it up on Snopes and the Washington Post’s “fact checker.” Nothing.

Remember, this story isn’t about potential jab injuries, not really; the “news” is that a corporate media outlet covered it at all, even if only on a rightwing opinion show. Where are the howls of protest from the Narrative’s caretakers? Where’s Karen? Where are the armies of fact checkers? Where’s Ashish Jha complaining ruefully about Tucker spouting misinformation and making everybody vaccine hesitant?

In other words, Tucker’s show, plus the absence of pushback, is a signal. It’s a signal for a bunch of folks that it’s okay now, you can talk about it in public. Either Tucker’s vaccine segment shifted the narrative, or his segment was a symptom of a narrative already shifted by something else.

Either way, this is a HUGE development. Who do you think will be next?