I am Thankful for a LOT of Incredible People who are On OUR side …Exposing the Greatest Crime against Humanity in History and Researching and Gathering and Speaking / Shouting the Truth.

I will try to name as many as I can in no particular order ( will inevitably leave some out)

Malone McCullough Bhakti Yeadon FLCCC Kennedy Bigtree Jaxsen Berenson Gold Zalenski Bridle Hoffe Mercola Makary Rappaport Cahill Fitts Cole Coleman Kory Battacharia Carlson Rebel News all the Alt news Sites we post from and so many many more

Including all the Heros who have stood up against the tyrants at great personal loss and including all the great posters and readers at Goldtent who are relentlessly spreading the word in spite of losing friends and family to the Cretins.

AND This guy named Childers is my new Favorite


I highlighted Jeff’s Bojo Analysis it’s brilliant …read it in the first comment