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Here is the Preamble

By August, with the Delta variant COVID-19 surge across the nation, mass media constantly broadcasts that the pandemic has become one of the unvaccinated; but that’s far from the truth based on a recent TrialSite review of new infection data in the most vaccinated states in America. Much of the media messaging in August and into September centers on the most current Delta variant-based surge of infections and deaths as a problem in select states with the lowest vaccination rates—often conservative and lower-income—namely states in the Deep South and a couple of states in the Intermountain West (Wyoming, Idaho, etc.). If only the truth were so straightforward. TrialSite reviewed the top 10 most vaccinated states in the nation and uncovered a very different reality as of Wednesday, September 8, 2021. The expectation going into the data review was that a majority of these highly vaccinated states would have historically low daily rates compared to previous surges in the pandemic. The opposite is true: the most vaccinated states are now all in some version of a surge, although the news wouldn’t cover such a point of view. Similar to the Israel experience, with waning vaccine effectiveness and a dangerous Delta variant, breakthrough infections and even breakthrough hospitalizations become ever more normal. Thus POTUS pushes for the booster much like Israel’s program. But that process must be driven by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and not politicians. Generally, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data indicate that those vaccinated experience less severe disease progression than the unvaccinated, to be sure. But the narrative one hears on nightly national news is not the reality. With boosters around the corner, what’s the strategy if that doesn’t settle the problem ongoing? Already, TrialSite reported Israel is looking into a fourth booster. Such an approach must be reviewed critically.


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