COMMENT #3: Dear Martin Armstrong.
you were right. COVID was the final blow for socialism in Argentina
A first & true libertarian movement is here in Buenos Aires. LIbertarian party ( Partido Libertario)
went from 0 to 10% in 2 years. the big bang + covid completely destroyed socialism
Youth people are going libertarian above +50% or more  here in Buenos Aires
And now they are a powerful third force.
The leader’s name is Javier Milei and these coming elections next month may confirm that the Partido Libertario is established as a third force-multiplying by 5 the expected vote from old leftist parties.
REPLY: There is a light at the end of the tunnel. They know they are starting to lose, so they are stepping up the tyranny because whoever is pulling the string seems to have been following our timing model. This implies that they know their window in time closes by 2022. As a result, they are stepping up the pressure to change the world, and as such, people are starting to take notice. It is so critical that the people do not remain silent, for their silence and willful surrender in their obedience to authority will terminate our freedom post-2022.