I have Trend Sells on GDX and GDXJ today, pending what follows later this week.
They are also on weekly Sell Short setups that will likely stand up regardless.
So if GDX and J recover (60m charts support that) they will merely succumb later in the week or next.

These are my first trend sells on these in a month, and the third since the late May highs.
(And just as importantly, no trend reversal buy signals over this period.)
System remains on VLT sell from 2011, LT sell from Aug 2020, and LT resell from May 2021.
SSO to UGL remains on buy, and equities continue to outperform. I don’t see that changing before EOY perhaps.

(This post was motivated in part in response to sector cheerleading by others, as an equal opportunity site supporter.)

Late Evening Addendum: Joe Taverna (“ET”) has updated his count from a few weeks back today … fits my outlook …
Only for EW literates.