In reference to Fully’s earlier Chaos post, I’ve had this paper since 2012 but never had the stomach to read it:

Trade Off – A Study in Global Systemic Collapse 30-06-12

Perhaps it’s a little dated now.


I started reading The Mandibles recently, a fictional study of what the economic collapse of the United States could look like,

but didn’t have the stomach to continue past around 100 pages:

To me it isn’t a work of fiction, but a thought exercise in what the economic collapse

of the United States could look like. IMHO, if the US fails, everywhere fails – global systemic

financial and economic collapse.


I did manage to read Twilight’s Last Gleaming:


Which I again read as a thought exercise. I basically never read fiction so I’m not the best person to summarise but:

a) It’s a story of events, not people, so it reads a little odd.

b) IMHO, it’s a story of what the future could look like, not a thriller at all.

c) In terms of financially markets and economics, it’s simply wrong. There’s a “shot that was heard around the world”

moment in the book and the author thinks financial markets would continue to function thereafter. I disagree. I think

they would collapse in an disorderly fashion globally, probably in the space of 3 days. Once financial markets fail,

economies fail thereafter.


Finally, I’ve also come to the conclusion that most people simply cannot comprehend this subject. Those are exactly the correct words to

use. It isn’t anything to do with intelligence, it’s simply an inability to comprehend.


As to what you do under these circumstances, it’s straightforward. Buy as much (mortgage free) agricultural land (rent it out) and bullion as you can afford

(assuming you live in a country where the government won’t steal it from you post or during collapse, e.g. not the UK), arm yourself, and know how to use your weapons,

and have stores of everything you think you could need for a few years assuming you can’t buy anything. (I always assume worst case scenarios.) Thereafter,

link up with people. As Ned Stark said: “When winter comes lone wolves die but the pack survives.”


“What a time to be alive!”



p.s. I have no time for answering questions on these subjects so DYODD.


p.p.s ‘Having a dark sense of humour’ rhetorical question – If the US ends in a “Yugoslavia-type” breakup, (

can you guess where the new borders are likely to be drawn?