Stress ?
Is it just me or is there actually a higher level of stress among society’s participants .
ah ..maybe its just me.
I really don’t pay much attention to negative news or even “NEWS” at all
I am pretty much a “Nature Boy|”….with side interests in Gold and Professional Sports. Go Leafs Go.
I prefer the company of my Ass and his Pony much more than I do 99.99% of humans.
My favorite form of Human interaction is at the Tent and Rambus Forum.
I admit I can be defensive and combative and that has cost me some uncomfortable battles and unpleasantries with some really Seriously Unhappy and REPULSIVE People…. in my role here as moderator at Goldtent , Rambus Chartology Spock Matrix and Surf City Cycles. ( sometimes at the forums but usually via email attacks.)
Sometimes I even have considered “harassment” charges…as these seem all the rage now. Everybody and his donkey is being accused .
Maybe that is why real human interaction is on the decline
Anyhow I digress…
I have decided not to interact with these vile creatures anymore.
And one by one they have quit bugging me.I’m sure It’s no fun attacking someone who won’t engage.
So many negative human interactions between family members , neighbors and strangers alike.
Personally I am withdrawing from these negative encounters and have realized it was my participation that kept them coming and thriving.
I must say….I have “met” a LOT of good people here as well .
Thanks for participating at Goldtent TA Paradise , either by authoring posts and comments or by visiting every day to see what UP in Gold.
Its a pleasure knowing and “working” with y’all
Kiss Me
Fully amazing. For sometime I have been surrounded by nothing but arguments and disagreements
It is because we are in gold and just exuding stress around us
My wife thinks the world axis is off. But for sure I am living nothing
But bad stuff.
Lets be the positive. Be kind. Always
It is because we are in gold and just exuding stress around us ?
Good Point Sir Mserr….
I second your last line ..excellent
Easy to give in to the negativity, it is all around us. In the spirit of friendship, I do want to complement you on your cute Ass.
You have just joined a unique club, the “older & wiser club”!
Congratulations and welcome!
Thank you Sir Norvast
What took me so long ?
Sounds like you need a hug, Fully. Don’t we all, now and again? OK, group hug… There.
Now go have a glass of you favorite beverage and kick back. Put it on my tab. Hmm, on second thought better charge it to Norvast. I’m pretty sure he’s good for it.
Yes silver fox I would be only to happy to share a few bottles from my extensive cellar of wine with the members of this forum while discussing the future of gold and miners. I am sure we would be more optimistic as each bottle was emptied!
Fully, all in all this is a pretty damn well behaved board! I’m involved in a few different groups and only if they run pretty smooth.
This board is pretty dang good. Your humor and patience is appreciated!
But I’ll try to send you some derogatory emails if you start to miss them! LOL! Thanks
There is no doubt, in my mind, that the world is unraveling and that that draws all of us together as “gold” people because we believe that those with the gold should be survivors as long as we are not known by the public to be those who “own” THE money.
Thanks for the board Fully,you and Mojo are a lovely couple 🙂
I eat stress for breakfast! Then take a warm bath in Epsom salts.
Your responses to people attempting to hijack this forum for their own purposes have always been civil, polite, cogent, and restrained. You are to be commended, and I take this opportunity to do just that. Thank you.
As for their negative outbursts, just consider the source and don’t lose any sleep over it.
Thank you Norwegian
And thanks to all who commented here.
Onward Pilgrims
Hear hear! Thank you, Fully.
It’s all to easy to take something the wrong way online. It can be hard to judge how something is meant and easy to retaliate too strongly. Always better to try and use language that doesn’t make the situation worse and accept that you can very rarely change someones point of view via an online arguament. Deep breath, beer, and chill. I also admire your ass.
I agree 🙂
Oh come on Fully. Post those emails on here so we can have a good laugh.