According to Rolling Stone magazine, the newly released Sound of Freedom “is a superhero movie for dads with brainworms.” Well I guess I’ve just been diagnosed with brainworms, as I took my 16-year-old son to see the film yesterday.

Actually, my son only heard it (since he’s blind). Fortunately, it’s called the Sound of Freedom and not the Look of Freedom. There’s a dad joke (I blame it on the brainworms).

Honestly, I’m not a fan of thrillers and rarely watch movies. My motivation behind purchasing two tickets (even though my son and his white cane could have entered for free) was principally to support a film that exposes child trafficking. Nonetheless, I found myself emotionally invested in the depiction of the undercover sting operations saving kids from unimaginable sexual abuse.

You can view the trailer on YouTube. I encourage you to support this important film. Just bring along some ivermectin to prevent any “brainworms.”

Stay sane and shine light on the darkness,
John C. A. Manley